The crossing guards are ready, the traffic calming is in place, and increased traffic patrols are scheduled for this week and that means the Town of Paradise is ready for the start of 2023-24 school year.
“As summer comes to close, we remind residents that we all play a role in ensuring everyone has a safe and enjoyable school year. Let’s all use extra caution when driving this week, reduce speeds in school areas, and watch for school buses. Our students are excited this time of year, and as such, sometimes forget to check before crossing roads and parking lots, so it is up to all of us to do our part,” said Mayor Dan Bobbett.
As part of the preparing for the back-to-school period, Town staff ensured that safety measures, traffic calming, crosswalk installation, and line painting were in place at the five Paradise schools - Elizabeth Park Elementary, Holy Family Elementary, Octagon Pond, Paradise Elementary, and Paradise Intermediate. Crossing Guards are returning the four elementary schools and residents are reminded to follow their instruction and guidance. In addition, permanent speed radar signs are also operational in these school zones. In any areas where road work is on-going, school buses will be prioritized through traffic control procedures.
This week, during the opening and dismissal times, the Town’s Municipal Enforcement Officers (MEOs) and staff will actively monitor the school areas to ensure everyone is following proper procedures. The Town is also liaising with the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary for patrols and to report incidents of speeding and dangerous driving. In addition, during this period Town crews will assist with morning and afternoon traffic control as needed.
“To everyone going to school this year - students, teachers, administrators, and staff - have fun learning new things, experiencing new adventures, and creating new memories. We wish you all a happy, healthy, and safe year ahead,” said Mayor Bobbett.
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