What is the Municipal Plan? |
The Paradise Municipal Plan is Council's comprehensive policy document for the management of growth and development within the municipal planning area over a 10 year period. Prepared under the authority of the Urban and Rural Planning Act 2000, the Plan repeals and replaces the Paradise Municipal Plan 2004-2014.
How was the Municipal Plan prepared? |
Preparation of the Plan included background research and analysis summarized in a Background Report (Appendix A). It also included land use surveys, consultation with government agencies, adjacent municipalities, residents and stakeholders.
The public engagement process included the following components:
- Establishing a Municipal Plan Review Advisory Committee to provide input to the Municipal Plan review process. The Imagine Paradise Committee was selected after a public call for volunteers and members were selected from a range of backgrounds and experience. The Committee was chaired by Councillor Laurie, and supported by staff from the Planning Department.
- A Municipal Plan Review Open House meeting and workshop on November 12, 2014, which provided an opportunity for residents to review information about the town and participate in discussions about the Town's future.
- A focus group meeting with community groups at the Town Hall.
- Meetings with local developers and business owners to discuss future developments in the Town.
- Open drop-in sessions where the public could review the Plan's background material and provide feedback on community issues and priorities.
- An Online Survey, which received input from over 200 residents.
- A contest that invited children and youth to submit artwork about their community and prepare videos to portray the elements of Paradise important to them.
- The use of multiple social media platforms to post reports, surveys, updates.
- Placing public notices in The Telegram and posted on the Town's website to advertise meetings and invite citizen input.
- Providing other opportunities for engagement such as an interactive public chalkboard, a Plan Review t-shirt promotion and contest, and a web video to promote and advertise the Plan Review.
- Submitting Agency Referrals to Town departments, neighbouring municipalities and government agencies for comment regarding the Town's Municipal Plan review.
Achieving a Vision of or Paradise |
The vision for the Town that has emerged through the Plan Review Process, research and public consultations is:
Over the next decade, Paradise will continue its evolution towards becoming a prosperous, independent, inclusive, and self-sufficient community, where people of all ages can live and feel welcome. Our liveable neighbourhoods are safe, and well designed. We take pride in the active and healthy lifestyles that are possible through our accessible and well-connected system of streets, trails, parks, facilities, open spaces, ponds and natural areas. We nurture culture, creativity and sense of place in the spaces we create for commerce, leisure and local government. We contribute to regional prosperity by working with our partners to achieve common objectives.
Key Themes |
The vision reflects five themes that emerged from the review process:
- Healthy, liveable neighbourhoods
- Quality, connected design
- Economic prosperity
- Environmental quality
- Investment in transportation and services
- Regional cooperation
Managing Growth |
The strategy for growth and development of the Town over the next decade is one of community building - in which Paradise continues to evolve from that of a largely bedroom community, to a community in its own right - where people have a strong sense of identity and attachment to their neighbourhoods and Town, with access to the things they need.
To achieve this, growth will be directed as follows:
- Focus on achieving build-out of areas to the south of Topsail Road - with mixed use neighbourhoods offering a variety of housing options close to jobs and services in planned developments west of Octagon Pond.
- Create a focus for the community in the area between Topsail Road, McNamara Drive, Kenmount Road and Karwood Drive as the centre for retail, recreation, civic use and housing. This area is the focus for jobs and growth, supported by higher density housing, recreational amenities and public institutions. The Town will continue to make investment in amenities in this area to create a central community focus or "hub".
- Focus on infill subdivision development north of Topsail Road, primarily with single detached dwelling developments, but with options for designs that incorporate small, multiple unit housing forms - good quality urban design, street connectivity, parks and open spaces, with local commercial services in appropriate locations.
- Development will expand northward, but only as build out to the south is completed. New areas will be opened up as demand warrants, and in a manner that extends growth northward in a progressive, sequential manner. In some areas, significant upgrading in the stormwater system will be required before development can proceed. Low density residential infill development along existing streets will continue to occur.
- The areas of Topsail Pond, Three Island Pond and Topsail Bluff will continue to provide rural residential living environments. These areas are not included in the Town's plans for water and sewer servicing. Development will continue to consist of large residential lots, designed to preserve tree cover and water quality in ponds and watercourses through conservation design development.
- Focus on Topsail Road as a Main Street by improving pedestrian access and comfort, visual amenity through streetscaping and implementing urban design guidelines for new development and redevelopment of existing properties.
- A greater emphasis will be placed on managing development to protect and restore the ecological integrity of natural systems of waterways, wetlands, ponds, and coastline as important features of a healthy community.