(1) Title |
These Regulations shall be cited as the Town of Paradise Traffic Regulations, 2021. |
(2) Definitions |
All-Terrain Vehicle” means a wheeled or tracked motorized vehicle, excluding a 2 wheeled vehicle, designed or adapted for off-road use, and includes a:
b. "Bus" means a motor vehicle, designed, or used for the transportation of passengers with a seating capacity of 10 or more in addition to the driver but excluding those motor vehicles when used for personal transportation by the owner or with the owner's permission. c. "Commercial Vehicle" as per the Town of Paradise Commercial Vehicle Regulations. d. “Council” means the Town Council of the Town of Paradise. e. “Emergency Vehicle” means:
f. “Highway” means the entire width between the boundary lines of a highway, road, route, street, way, avenue, thoroughfare, right-of-way, parkway, driveway, lane, alley, square, place, bridge, culvert, viaduct, trestle or causeway, whether it is publicly or privately owned and whether or not it is designed or intended for use by the public, if the whole or any part of it is used by the public for the passage of motor vehicles and includes a trail on a frozen lake, river or other body of water or watercourse when that trail is maintained or kept open at the expense of the province or municipality. g. "Motorcycle" means a motor vehicle that;
h. "Motor vehicle" means a device in, upon or by which a person or thing may be transported or drawn upon a Highway, including a Motorcycle. i. “Municipal Enforcement Officer” means any person appointed by Council who is responsible for carrying out the provisions of this Regulation and shall be deemed a peace officer for the purpose of carrying out this Regulation. j. “Off-Road Motor vehicle" means all vehicles designed and constructed for travel on or immediately over land, water, snow, ice, marsh, swampland, and other natural terrain, including four-wheel drive low-pressure-tire powered motor vehicles, low-pressure-tire motorcycles and related two-wheel motor vehicles, snowmobiles, amphibious machines, ground effect or air-cushioned motor vehicles, but does not include a motor vehicle. k. "Park” means to permit a vehicle, whether occupied or not, to stand otherwise than temporarily for the immediate purpose of and while engaged in loading or unloading goods, or taking up or setting down passengers, or making emergency vehicle repairs, or to comply with traffic regulations or traffic signs or the directions of a traffic officer. l. “Persons” means any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, co-operator, club, society, or any other corporate body or organization or any kind. m. “Public Service Vehicle” means a bus or passenger van used to transport eight (8) or more people, a vehicle used to transport persons with mobility impairments, or a vehicle owned or leased by the Town, which is marked with the Town’s insignia and used for carrying out municipal services. n. “Recreational Vehicle” shall mean a vehicle designed to provide temporary living, sleeping or eating accommodation for travel, vacation, seasonal camping or recreational use and designed to be driven, towed, transported or relocated from time to time whether or not the vehicle is jacked up or its running gear is removed, and with a size as defined by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), and which shall not be used as the principal place of residence of the occupant. o. "Trailer" means a mobile structure having wheels but no motive power of its own and may or may not be attached to a truck, truck tractor, or other motor vehicle but does not include,
p. “Town” shall mean the Town of Paradise, as defined by Order-in-Council the 13th of July 1971, including all lands within the municipal boundary. |
(3) Rules of the Road |
a) Council may designate Highways and may erect signs on these Highways to prohibit parking and the signs shall have the words “NO PARKING” inscribed thereon or words inscribed on the signs describing the area to which the prohibition of the sign is applicable by name or other description or by reference to another sign erected on or near the Highway, and the driver of a Motor Vehicle shall not park the Motor Vehicle in the area to which the sign applies, or between the hours during the time, if any, specified on the sign.
c) No person shall deface, remove or in any manner interfere with any traffic sign or traffic control device lawfully placed on a Highway within the limits of the Town. d) No person shall place any object or structure on a Highway, including an object or structure used for sports. Any object or structure so placed may be removed by a person authorized by Council, at the expense of the person or persons responsible for placement of the object or structure. |
(4) Council Authority |
(a) Council may cause or permit traffic lights or signs to be placed on or near any Highway within the limits of the Town, including,
(5) Parking Offences |
(a) No person shall stop, stand, or park a Motor Vehicle on a Highway at any time so that the Motor Vehicle or any part of it is:
(d) On the day of Regular Garbage Collection, as indicated in the Town of Paradise’s Garbage Collection Schedule, no person shall park an unattended Motor Vehicle on any street or road reservation that is scheduled for Automated Garbage Collection between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. (e) Except as authorized by Council, no person shall, park, or leave unattended, a motor vehicle on any public property. |
(6) Commercial Vehicles |
a) Nothing in these Regulations shall prohibit,
b) No person shall park a Commercial Vehicle in any residential use zone, as described in the Town’s Development Regulations, unless a permit has been issued by Council.
(7) Offence |
(a) Any person who is guilty of an offence under these Regulations, or who acts in contravention of or fails to comply with any provisions thereof, or neglects or refuses to do so, shall be liable on summary conviction to the penalty as prescribed in the Highway Traffic Act, 1990, and Amendments thereto. |
(8) Enforcement |
Enforcement under these Regulations may be taken summarily by a Council employee specifically authorized by the Council or by any Peace Officer. |
(9) Coming into Effect |
These Regulations shall come into effect on the 1st day of October A.D., 2021. |
(10) Publication |
A notice of these Regulations was published in The Shoreline on the 30th day of September 2021 A.D. and in the Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette on the1st day of October, 2021 A.D. |
(11) Copy to Minister |
A copy of these Regulations was sent to the Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs on the 6th day of October, 2021 A.D. |
(12) Repeal of Previous Regulations and Amendments |
All previous Town of Paradise Traffic Regulations and amendments are repealed. |
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